Donna Frost

The critical creative collaborative inquiries in action 169 5 Metaphorical principles Summary of Titchen & McCormack’s ( 2010 , pp 539 - 542 ) explanation (emphasis in original in table on p. 540 ) Examples of how each principle was enacted within the CCCI Creative effectiveness Blending being critical and creative enabling improvisation in deep, rapid, seemingly effortless ways. Creative expression is fun, energising, leads to rapid shifts of per - spective and opening up of possibilities. Achieved through blending, improvisation, synchronicity, attunement and balance. Primed us to pay attention to moments of flow & effectiveness; to look for such moments. Using artistic approaches to sym - bolise, re-present & explore our experiences, insights & understand - ings. Combining this with critical questioning, testing of assumptions & ideas. Leaving the CCCI meeting with specific plans for howwe would (creatively) generate data / inquire into our practice in the time be - tween meetings Movement in the stillness This sounds like a paradox, but it is the essence of creativity. It is about letting go the old so that the new can come. Creating the stillness of reflection through, for example, contemplative or meditative practices, creates a shift, or room for movement. Creating time & space within which we could stop, slow down, focus & be still, pay attention to what was happening & be open to what could happen. Valuing & trusting the process of ‘letting go, staying with, letting come’. E.g. learning to accept & tolerate the unknown & feelings of uncertainty while working through a process, trusting that we would get to an outcome, even if the outcome was at that point unknown. Noting & accepting old or ingrained ways of doing & being while at the same time paying attention to let - ting them go & opening ourselves up to new ideas or possibilities. Paying attention to looking for (evi - dence of) newways of seeing, being, doing & becoming. Learning to become aware of & articulating these.