Donna Frost

Chapter 5 170 Metaphorical principles Summary of Titchen & McCormack’s ( 2010 , pp 539 - 542 ) explanation (emphasis in original in table on p. 540 ) Examples of how each principle was enacted within the CCCI Embodied knowing Working consciously with the body, uncovering pre-reflec - tive, embodied or intuitive knowing. Being aware of our internalisation of principles and culture, learning to listen to and act upon the wisdom of our bodies and to blend this knowing with other types of knowing. Learning to work consciously with our bodies to help us to research the practice of nursing: notice & value our own bodily responses & to pay attention to the more invisible parts of practice. Creating room to notice. Asking questions of our bodies & of each other about what our body was sensing, doing, responding to & how. Paying attention to the ways in which our ways of being & doing were changing throughout the investigation Energising forces Moments of crisis trigger a need for change, and within critical creativity the facilitator works with and helps channel energy to enable the emergence of positive energy: releasing, drawing out, re-directing, creating or transforming energy flows. Particularly relevant in times of crisis and turbulence. . Acknowledging times of crisis / turbulence, not ignoring them or pushing them aside Using creative expression to re - lease, express & make visible the struggles, concerns & crises we faced, whether these were of un - derstanding or within practice. Working creatively & with acceptance of the experience & our response to it r(e)generated energy levels & revealed new possibilities for action Openness to all ways of being Openness to and a ppreciative of different world views , revealing and experiencing the tenets and assumptions of our worldviews, first in bodies and practices, then via cognitive, meta-cognitive and reflexive critique. ‘Starting where we are’, where ever that may be. Learning & helping each other to articulate what each finds important, valuing what our different perspectives offer even if we have to work at it. Learning to engage & then move together.