Donna Frost

Chapter 6 180 The five patterns of engagement are: 1. Creating and working within a sheltered, shared space 2. Working simultaneously with both the parts and the whole 3. Working with both the now and the not yet 4. Committed to and working towards the ideal 5. Taking and/or enabling transformative action. Figure 6 . 2 Five patterns of engagement when practising with professional artistry (Collage Donna-RJ 2018 -photo 147 ). Creation of a sheltered, shared space Practising with professional artistry means creating a place of shelter, a safe space in which to come along side and enter the patient’s world, or bring them into yours. The space is multifaceted and dependent on the context. The essence of the space is that it is sheltered, safe and shared. The nurse and the patient, or family member, are there together. The many examples witnessed during the inquiry process of the creation of this space showed us that it generally occurs early in the encounter and often seems to happen ‘automatically’ and smoothly. Sometimes, and these were the times that threw it into relief and made it easier to study, it was challenging for the nurse to create this sheltered space.