Donna Frost

Chapter 6 190 The degree of movement or the direction to be taken are not known in advance. Dylan explained working in this way as follows: It is like sailing, and having to make constant adjustments, reacting to the wind you have and anticipating the wind to come. You know the wind will be there, what its character might be, but it is never entirely known until it is there. (DylanNPI-Mtg 11 -Rec 6 of 8 , see also Figure 6 . 6 ) The creative expression drawn by Dylan and other metaphors used within the CCCI indicative of aspects of this pattern of engagement are presented in Figure 6 . 6 . Figure 6 . 6 ‘Working with the now and the not yet’. Metaphors (RN inquiry and NP inquiry) and creative expression 12 (DylanNPI-Mtg 11 -Photo 027 ). The nurse accepts what is present in the encounter without letting it get in the way of what may still come. Acceptance, for example, of what the patient brings to the encounter, such as grief, anger, tears, pain, frustration or anxiety. Room is given to emotions, they are acknowledged and accepted. Yet the nurse may not jump immediately to comfort. During the inquiry we observed each other waiting, for example, or saying or doing something to encourage a further expression or 12 Translations of the text in the line drawing: ‘What is the wind doing? How will it turn? (left); Bringing the sails into balance. Setting, trimming, adjusting (right).