Donna Frost

Chapter 6 204 Figure 6 . 10 Taking or enabling transformative action: creative expression (Donna-RJ 2014 - Photo 102 ) and metaphors used by inquiry members (NPI-Mtg 11 -Rec 3 , 4 of 8 ) In Figure 6 . 10 the spiral form represents movement and a change in energy from the more expectant, waiting, potential energy in the centre, to the coloured, dynamic spiral moving outwards: transformative action . During the NP inquiry meeting in which this creative expression was discussed, Dylan pointed out that he had viewed it differently. He saw the coloured part of the spiral as the testing out phase, the building up of potential and creation of supportive space, and the dark centre part of the spiral as the moment of transformation: here is the moment where the potential of the nursing encounter is transformed into focused action. In either view, the inquiry members were agreed that this pattern of engagement has to do with movement and a change, for example in focus, perspective, understanding or behaviour. The nurse may experience such transformations herself when practising with professional artistry, yet the essence of this pattern of engagement is enabling the other – the patient, resident, family member or colleague – to experience or take transformative action.