Donna Frost

Nature of professional artistry 205 6 Consequences of professional artistry in nursing: enlarging the space for becoming When the five patterns of engagement meld together in the person and practice of the nurse she is practising with professional artistry and is perpetually engaged in enlarging the space for becoming – her own becoming and that of the patient, resident, family member or colleague. The consequences, then, of professional artistry are for both the professional and the client. The particular consequences can differ depending on the nature of the encounter, see, for example, Figure 6 . 11 . Figure 6 . 11 Enlarging the space for becoming: particular consequences of professional artistry as identified by NP inquiry members. Illustration Donna- 2015 RJ-Photo 044 The more fundamental consequences of professional artistry, of the five patterns of engagement working together in the nurse’s way of seeing, being and doing, are an enlarged space for becoming. The patient’s or nurse’s sphere of influence is enlarged, for example, or there is a movement towards human flourishing which is no longer dependent on the interventions of the nurse. The various particular consequences have spun together, the movement, growth or transformation has acquired its own momentum, or become the new ‘norm’ for the nurse, patient, resident, family member, colleague or student. To be clear, the changes referred to here, the movement, growth or transformation, cannot be described as sweeping or extensive. The changes in the space for becoming are generally incremental, a furthering of a process. The process itself may not feel remarkable at the time, but when looking back those involved are