Donna Frost

Facilitation of the development of professional artistry 213 7 Table 7 . 1 Abbreviations used in the text when referring to quotes or creative expressions generated within the CCCI. Abbreviations used in the text to identify source of quotes and creative expressions The source of the data when the person was a member of a CCCI group The source of the data if the person was not a member of the CCCI Donna, Anna etc Name of individual inquiry member Col Colleague (identified by a number unique within that year and inquiry group) RNI Registered Nurse Inquiry group (also used when a statement is attributed to the whole group) Fam Family member (identified by a number unique within that year and inquiry group) NPI Nurse Practitioner Inquiry group (also used when a statement is attributed to the whole group) Pat Patient (identified by a number unique within that year and inquiry group) Post Data generated after the inquiry groups had ceased to meet, during the synthesis phase Res Resident (identified by a number unique within that year and inquiry group) FP Found poem’, created by me as described by Janesick ( 2016 ), using words and phrases spoken by in - quiry participants, recorded during the meeting(s) indicated The type of data generation activity and other identifying information CRC Critical reflective conversation between two (or more) members of a CCCI group, in response to practice observation Con Conversation or interview (where either Donna or another CCCI member is the interviewer) Mtg Data generated during a CCCI meeting. Each meeting has a unique number. For example, NPI-Mtg 1 indicates the first CCCI meeting of the NP inquiry group. Rec Recording made during CCCI meeting. Sometimes ‘ 1 of 4 ’ or similar is noted: this means there were 4 audio files saved about this meeting, and in this example the quote is taken from the first of the four. Obs Observations made, for example in practice, recorded in stand-alone document Photo Photo made in the context and year indicated, each with unique number for that context / year. RJ Research journal, followed by volume number or photo number p / pp Page number/s within the transcript or research journal concerned