Donna Frost

Chapter 7 218 Woosh! What a surprise. And a kick. There is more to my work than meets the eye. More to our work – perhaps more than we know! Cutting and pasting, ha, we see what lies beneath. Scary, but good. Scary? Yes, you’re right. Who knows what we’ll find? Beauty Patience Skill Meeting between people. A good place to start. (FP-RNI-Mtg 1 -Rec 5 of 5 & RNI-Mtg 2 -Rec 5 of 5 ) Figure 7 . 2 ‘Sunshine and possibilities’ (RNI-Mtg 1 -Photo 024 , RNI-Mtg 2 p-Photo 030 ) Although it took time and effort for this way of considering and experiencing our practice to become second nature, the lemniscate inquiry process supported us in undertaking the kind of activities that would eventually ‘reveal’ our practice to us. We were able to come to new insights about our practice and become aware of enriching our own understandings, even when we still felt clumsy or unsure within the inquiry process.