Donna Frost

Chapter 7 236 Working together This has been a great place We have been a great group Trust, laughter, difficult questions It made all the difference We all want the best We can make a difference (FP-RNI-Mtg 13 ) The second example is also a poem, this time collaboratively written during the last NPI meeting. Here too we were looking back over the entire NPI and this is one of several poems collaboratively generated during the meeting. The goal of this poemwas to capture the way we had worked together as an inquiry group and what we had valued about it. Beautiful moments Unfurling flower We are the moments, we are the rose We stood here with souls bare But never alone We wanted to know to see and to tell We learnt to listen to hold and be held We go from here happy With hope in our hearts We are changed yet the same and we knowwhere to start (NPI-Mtg 12 -Photo 16 ) Identifying and overcoming challenges on the way Learning to understand our professional artistry and the facilitation of its development is a journey we made together, as emphasized above. There were particular features of our individual journeys, however, that threw up particular kinds of challenges. The similarities and differences between our contexts and experiences helped highlight the challenges, making them more visible. As well, the variation in experience helped us, particularly within the NP inquiry, to consider the ways in which a similar situation could be rendered more supportive and how a particular challenge could be successfully tackled.