Donna Frost

Chapter 2 34 tools are congruent with Wilson’s ( 1963 ) view of concepts and with Rodgers’ ( 1989 ) view of concept analysis. Additionally, blending of cognitive and non-cognitive ways of knowing enables deeper understandings and creative expression can enable a holistic grasp of less tangible ideas (McCormack & Titchen, 2006 ; Titchen & McCormack, 2010 ; Titchen, 2013 ). Search strategy The term ‘professional artistry’ is neither a (major) subject heading in the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) nor a MeSH term in PubMed. Using the databases listed in Table 2 . 1 , ‘professional artistry’ as a phrase and the words ‘professional’ and ‘artistry’ joined with ‘and’, were searched for in all text, or, when possible within the database concerned, were used as keywords. The search was refined, if necessary and possible, to exclude non-academic publications and non-relevant topics, such as instances of the words Professional Artistry being used as a brand name.