Donna Frost

Chapter 2 40 The first of these aspects is a reference (Rodgers, 1989 ) or boundary for the concept of professional artistry (see Table 2 . 3 ). The second and third are antecedents in that they enable or are prerequisites to the occurrence of professional artistry in practice. Characteristics three through six are attributes of professional artistry while also evident as consequences . These distinguishing characteristics can be considered both means to and ends of practice which demonstrates professional artistry. Classifying the aspects of professional artistry in this way is a direct contradiction of Walker and Avant’s ( 2005 ) position: ‘an antecedent [or a consequence] cannot also be a defining attribute for the same concept’ (p. 73 ). Classifying the different aspects neatly into one category or the other, however, distorts their meaning and ignores their interconnected nature. The classification summarised in Table 2 . 3 is congruent with the assumptions of both critical creativity (Titchen & McCormack, 2010 ) and evolutionary concept analysis and attention is paid, in the following exploration of each of the aspects of professional artistry, to this interconnection. Table 2 . 3 The six key aspects of professional artistry as found in the literature Key aspect of professional artistry (PA) Reference Antecedent Attribute Consequence 1 PA occurs in complex or chal - lenging practice situations and results in effective practice within the complexity of the situation. PA occurs in complex practice situations, that are nevertheless sufficiently familiar to the professional. Effective coping within the complexity of practice 2 PA is demonstrated by professionals well prepared for the encounter and contributes to preparing them / keeping them prepared for future encounters. The professional possesses the necessary personal and professional characteristics; brings these to the encounter Exercising PA results in the further development of particular personal and professional characteristics