Donna Frost

Concept analysis 41 2 Key aspect of professional artistry (PA) Reference Antecedent Attribute Consequence 3 PA occurs against a (theoretical and practical) professional framework and results in further development and testing of that framework The professional practises within a particular professional framework – including its history, body of knowledge and boundaries. Professional framework and traditions are used flexibly and in order to ‘dialogue with’ the practice sit- uation and the framework Further development and testing of the professional framework or the creation of new frameworks. 4 PA is embedded and embodied in practice and results in further embodiment of practice The professional has embodied aspects of their practice. PA is manifested through (physical and meta-physical) practices within the context of practice situations Practices become fur- ther embodied 5 The professional demonstrating PA perceives and responds holistically, creatively and critically, in doing so further refines or increases their range of responses The professional perceives the professional situation in its fullness (holisti- cally), drawing creatively and critically on their diverse personal and professional characteris- tics; responds holistically and creatively Repertoire of holistic, critical and creative responses is refined or fur - ther expanded 6 PA contributes to human flourishing Both the practice processes and outcomes contribute to human flourishing for both patient and practitioner Movement toward human flourishing