Donna Frost

Chapter 3 74 hard to grasp as professional artistry and offered principles for action that would guide my ways of working with practitioners who joined the inquiry. For example, it offered room to engage both cognitive and creative realms, to value what is while valuing and working towards what could be. It acknowledges the unique view and contribution of the individual while harnessing the power of the collective. There is attention paid to both cognitive and artistic critique and judgement, giving opportunities for more holistic and robust testing of assumptions and developing conclusions. As well, it emphasizes the creative effort involved in transformation of perspective even, but certainly transformation of practices. In this way it offered a suitable framework in which to position this work. Furthermore, the choice for critical creativity prompted me to pay more attention to human flourishing for those involved in the research. When I set out on this research journey I was, to a limited extent, able to describe the landscape of critical creativity and I had experienced the stillness, often when the space was held by someone else, for example my supervisors. The challenge I faced was to transform my surface descriptions and beginning understandings into embodied knowing. This meant describing and working from principles and strategies in a period before these insights had become ‘part of me’; before I had become part of the landscape and was able to nurture others in flowing and connecting within this paradigm. Titchen and McCormack ( 2010 ) (also McCormack & Titchen, 2006 ; Titchen & McCormack, 2008 ; Titchen &Ajjawi, 2010 ; Titchen et al., 2011 ; McCormack &Titchen, 2014 ) provide, beside the three conditions for human flourishing, eight metaphorical principles for creating the conditions of human flourishing. These principles, reproduced in Table 3 . 1 , can also be seen as facilitation principles (McCormack & Titchen, 2006 ; Titchen & McCormack, 2010 ). They worked as guidelines and gave me ‘something to hang on to’ when developing both the methodological principles for the research design and the methods which followed.