Donna Frost

Chapter 4 88 of the group, symbolizing the formation of a space, sometimes physical but in any case metaphorical, in which we worked together in agreed ways, in meetings away from our everyday work, to come to deeper understandings of professional artistry and how it was facilitated. Data were generated, collected and interpreted using several methods during the meetings, elaborated later in this chapter. The space outside the red circle represents our practice worlds. We, the CCCI participants, are there, in the blue swirling, influencing and being influenced. As well, the professional artistry is there, represented by the many smaller orange dots. The questions we asked and the agreements we made within the red circle were directed at helping us recognize, grasp, hold, unravel and re-weave those moments of professional artistry happening in our everyday practice worlds, as well as generating data to bring back to the group meetings. A second visual metaphor, representing the CCCI as a process, is provided in Figure 4 . 2 . Here, the brown spiral represents the complete inquiry journey made by a CCCI Figure 4 . 2 Critical creative collaborative inquiry as a process