Donna Frost

iv A special thank you to the members of the SICoP. What a wonderful bunch of people you are. There has been radio silence from my end for a long time now. I somehow needed to burrow down and away to get this final stage of writing done. And in my case that final stage took rather longer than expected. The inspiration and encouragement I have found in this group has helped me take the next steps on many different occasions. I’m very glad that I have been able to live up to all your expectations and finally submit this thesis. Submission would not have been possible without the oasis of stillness, inspiration and beauty that I found in Vorden, Gelderland, at Cuypers Pastorie. Nan, Henk and Stephen, my thanks for thewonderful space and your kind and attentive care during my many writing retreats in the rectory. They made all the difference. To my dear family in Aotearoa. Although we are far apart in distance, I feel like you are just down the hall and around the corner when it comes to nutty conversations and unexpected joyous laughter. Thank you all for never doubting that I would get this done. And for knowing me so well and loving me anyway. Dearest Marlies, your boundless support, flexibility, care and love have made this work possible. You have taken over all the practical aspects of our lives more times than I can count. You are my rock, my steady place, my home and my heart. Thank you most brilliant wife, you are a star!