Donna Frost

ix Patterns of engagement 179 1 . Creation of a sheltered, shared space 180 2 . Actively working with the parts and the whole 184 3 . Working with both the now and the not yet 188 4 . Committed to the ideal 194 5 . Taking or enabling transformative action 199 Consequences of professional artistry in nursing: enlarging the space for becoming 205 Concluding remarks 208 CHAPTER 7 : FACILITATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTRYWITHIN NURSING PRACTICE 211 Journey as metaphor: milestones and challenges 214 Perspective transformations on the road to developing professional artistry: three milestones 217 Recognising the professional artistry and the potential for it in our own practice 220 Embodying critical and creative critique 223 Embodying critical and creative critique: helpful strategies 225 Understanding how to be intentional and exercise our professional artistry ‘muscles’ 229 Learning to flex our professional artistry muscles: helpful strategies 235 Identifying and overcoming challenges on the way 236 “There’s never enough time” 239 Dealing with mistakes 239 Strategies that were helpful in creating the more supportive alternatives 240 Concluding remarks 241 CHAPTER 8 : PROFESSIONAL ARTISTRY IN NURSING PRACTICE: ENLARGING THE SPACE FOR BECOMING 245 Understanding professional artistry in nursing 247 The ontological nature of professional artistry 248 Praxiological findings: the patterns of engagement 250 Relationship with Titchen’s conceptualisation of professional artistry 254