Donna Frost

vi Rationale for the present study 55 Research goals 56 Concluding remarks 57 CHAPTER 3 : PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS AND METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES. FINDING MY PLACE TO STAND; LEARNING TO STAND THERE. 59 Enmeshed: shaped, shaping, situated 60 Embodied selves 64 Age-old insights 65 Moral intent 68 Sing up, question, critique, create 69 Becoming transformed 71 Critical creativity 72 From philosophical assumptions to four methodological principles 75 Collaborative, iterative investigation 76 Diverse forms of knowledge and ways of knowing 77 Creating conditions for human flourishing 79 Critical and creative ways of doing and being 80 Concluding remarks 82 CHAPTER 4 : CRITICAL CREATIVE COLLABORATIVE INQUIRY: DESIGN AND METHODS 85 From principles to design and methods: a work in progress 86 Critical creative collaborative inquiry: overview of the design 87 Shaping the CCCI design: taking inspiration from the literature 89 Finding and engaging potential participants 91 The first inquiry group: registered nurses working in care for older people 91 The second inquiry group: advanced nurse practitioners working in a variety of settings 92 Other people who contributed to the inquiry 93 Working in morally and ethically responsible ways 94 Establishing and maintaining the inquiry groups 95 Agreeing ways of working together, initially and throughout the inquiry 95 Creating protected space 96 Reflection and reflexivity within the inquiry 97