Donna Frost

viii 7 . CCCI meeting: cognitive and artistic critique (step iv of the meeting loop) 118 8 . CCCI meeting: articulating insights and new questions (step i of the CCCI lemniscate, ending the meeting loop and transitioning into the practice loop) 118 Non-collaborative meaning making: analysis and synthesis across both inquiries 119 Concluding remarks 122 CHAPTER 5 : THE CRITICAL CREATIVE COLLABORATIVE INQUIRIES IN ACTION: DEVELOPING OUR RESEARCH PRAXIS 125 Registered nurse inquiry group 128 Jane 129 Mara 130 Rosemarie 131 Floortje 132 Using symbolic language 137 Using both creative and cognitive ways of knowing 138 Nurse practitioner inquiry group 143 Creativity within inquiry meetings 145 Creative collaborative inquiry in practice settings 150 My journey as researcher: facilitating the investigation and developing professional artistry 152 Working in two languages 152 Working reflexively 157 Old patterns 158 Becoming sensitized 159 Alternative explanations 159 “Becoming the landscape” 162 Becoming critical creative collaborative inquirers 167 Concluding remarks 171 CHAPTER 6 : OUR WAY OF SEEING, BEING, DOING AND BECOMING: THE NATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTRYWITHIN NURSING PRACTICE 173 Professional artistry is ontological and praxiological 176