Donna Frost

xii Figure 6 . 2 Five patterns of engagement when practising with professional artistry (Collage Donna-RJ 2018 -photo 147 ). 180 Figure 6 . 3 Examples of the words of patients captured in fieldnotes during or just after practice observations in the NP inquiry. The background picture (NPI- 2013 Pat 11 -Photo 001 ) was chosen by a particular patient to represent his response to his first meeting with the NP. 183 Figure 6 . 4 Working with parts and wholes: phrases noted by NP inquiry members when observing each other in practice together with creative expressions (Ria-Aafje- 20140624 -Photo 004 &Photo 003 ) made in response to a practice observation and CRC. 188 Figure 6 . 5 Investigating the idea of working with the now and the not yet during NP CCCI meetings: in words (NPI-Mtg 10 -Rec 3 , 4 , 5 of 7 and NPI-Mtg 11 - Rec 2 of 8 ) and picture (DonnaNPI-Mtg 10 -Photo 012 ) 189 Figure 6 . 6 ‘Working with the now and the not yet’. Metaphors (RN inquiry and NP inquiry) and creative expression (DylanNPI-Mtg 11 -Photo 027 ). 190 Figure 6 . 7 Metaphors and similes used by patients, residents and their familymembers to describe working with the nurse or NP. 192 Figure 6 . 8 ‘Working with the now and the not yet’: creative expression made during NP inquiry meeting (MargaretNPI-Mtg 11 -Photo 028 ) 194 Figure 6 . 9 RN & NP descriptions of being committed to the ideal and a painting of ‘not giving up’ (NPI-Mtg 8 -Photo 014 ). 198 Figure 6 . 10 Taking or enabling transformative action: creative expression (Donna-RJ 2014 -Photo 102 ) and metaphors used by inquiry members (NPI- Mtg 11 -Rec 3 , 4 of 8 ) 204 Figure 6 . 11 Enlarging the space for becoming: particular consequences of professional artistry as identified by NP inquiry members. Illustration Donna- 2015 RJ-Photo 044 205 Figure 6 . 12 Enlarging the space for becoming: patients and residents expressing a changed perspective 206 Figure 6 . 13 The nature of professional artistry in nursing 207 Figure 7 . 1 We recognised milestones along the way 215 Figure 7 . 2 ‘Sunshine and possibilities’ (RNI-Mtg 1 -Photo 024 , RNI-Mtg 2 p- Photo 030 ) 218 Figure 7 . 3 ‘There is a lot of potential, but a lot can go wrong’ (Lilian-NPI-Mtg 7 - Rec 3 of 4 & photo 016 ) 220