Caroliene Meijndert

119 The effect of implant-abutment connections on peri-implant bone level change The primary outcome is peri-implant bone level change and the secondary outcome are implant loss and mid-buccal mucosa level change. Information sources We conducted a literature research of the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane Library EMBASE Scopus, Open Grey and African journals Online. According to the syntax rules of each database, key words and their combinations were used to identify studies published until December 2020. No time restrictions were applied ( Table 1 ). Table 1. Description of the search strings per search bank Pubmed 1673 hits (“Dental Implants, Single-Tooth”[Mesh] OR (implant*[tiab] AND (single[tiab] OR solitary[tiab]))) AND (“Maxilla”[Mesh] OR “Esthetics, Dental”[Mesh:NoExp] OR esthetic*[tiab] OR aesthetic*[tiab] OR anterior[tiab] OR maxilla*[tiab] OR incisor*[tiab] OR front*[tiab]) AND (“Alveolar Bone Loss”[Mesh] OR bone[tiab]) AND (“Clinical Trial” [Publication Type] OR “Cohort Studies”[Mesh] OR “Case Reports” [Publication Type] OR “Observational Study” [Publication Type] OR “Treatment Outcome”[Mesh:NoExp] OR “Comparative Study” [Publication Type] OR random*[tiab] OR trial[ti] OR outcome*[tiab] OR cohort[tiab] OR follow-up[tiab] OR followup[tiab] OR prospectiv*[tiab] OR longitudinal*[tiab] OR case ser*[tiab]) Embase 1539 hits (‘single tooth implant’/exp OR (implant* AND (single OR solitary)):ab,ti) AND (‘maxilla’/exp OR ‘esthetics’/exp OR (esthetic* OR aesthetic* OR anterior OR maxilla* OR incisor* OR front*):ab,ti) AND (‘alveolar bone loss’/exp OR bone:ab,ti) AND (‘clinical study’/exp OR ‘observational study’/exp OR ‘cohort analysis’/exp OR ‘comparative study’/exp OR ‘treatment outcome’/de OR trial:ti OR (random* OR outcome* OR cohort OR ‘follow-up’ OR followup OR prospectiv* OR longitudinal* OR ‘case ser*’):ab,ti) Cochrane 527 hits (implant* AND (single OR solitary)) AND (esthetic* OR aesthetic* OR anterior OR maxilla* OR incisor* OR front*) AND (bone) Scopus 1626 hits ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( implant* AND ( single OR solitary ) ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( dental OR tooth OR teeth OR crown* ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( esthetic* OR aesthetic* OR anterior OR maxilla* OR incisor* OR front* ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( bone ) ) AND( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( “clinical trial*” OR prospectiv* OR cohort* OR “case report*” OR “case stud*” OR observational* OR “follow-up” OR followup OR random* OR outcome* OR longitudinal* OR “case ser*” OR “clinical stud*” OR “controlled stud*” ) ) Open Grey 24 hits single implant African journal Online 145 hits dental AND implant AND single AND maxilla AND bone 7