Caroliene Meijndert

123 The effect of implant-abutment connections on peri-implant bone level change Table 2. Characteristics and outcomes of the included studies. First author et al., publication year Follow-up time (years) Study type Implant type no of implants Annual implant loss (%) Annual bone level change in mm (mean±sd) Annual mid-buccal level change in mm. (mean±sd ) PS-conical Kemppainen et al. 1997 1 RCT Astra Tech ST 35 2 -0,14±0,10 nr Palmer et al. 2000 5 Prosp. study Astra Tech ST 14 0 0,02±0,10 nr Cooper et al. 2001 1 Prosp. study Astra Tech ST 53 4 -0,40±0,51 0,34±0,94 Norton 2004 1 Prosp. study Astra Tech ST 11 4 -0,55±0,49 nr Cooper et al. 2007 3 Prosp. study Astra Tech ST 43 2 -0,14±0,32 0,17±0,47 Gotfredsen 2012 10 Prosp. study Astra Tech ST 10 0 -0,09±0,04 nr Vanlioglu et al. 2012 5 Prosp. study Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 10 0 -0,05±0,01 nr Bashutski et al. 2013 1 RCT Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 24 8 -0,53±0,51 nr Grandi et al. 2013 1 Prosp. study JD Evolution 24 4 -0,60±0,51 nr Berberi et al. 2014 5 Prosp. study Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 20 0 -0,04±0,03 nr Cooper et al. 2014 5 Prosp. study Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 49 0 0,02±0,26 0,08±0,21 Vanlioglu et al. 2014 1 Prosp. study Straumann Bone Level implant 55 0 -0,10±0,08 nr Cosyn et al. 2015 1 Prosp. study Nobel Active 50 0 -0,48±0,46 0,06±0,60 Esposito et al. 2015 1 RCT Mega Gen, EZ Plus 46 0 -0,27±0,14 nr Raes et al. 2015 2 Prosp. study Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 85 2 0,02±0,45 0,10±0,45 Hsu et al.(a) 2016 1 RCT SuperLine Dentium 13 0 -0,21±0,56 -0,38±0.49 Slagter et al. 2016 1 RCT Nobel Active 20 0 -0,65±0,46 nr Yildiz et al. 2016 1 Prosp. study Straumann Bone Level implant 29 7 0,08±0,82 nr Allen et al. 2017 2 Prosp. study Straumann Bone Level implant 20 0 -0,41±0,26 nr De Bruyckere et al. 2018 1 RCT Nobel Active 42 0 -0,60±0,69 -0,18±0,33 Eghbali et al. 2018 5 Prosp. study Nobel Active 32 0 -0,09±0,08 -0,02±0,07 Jonker et al. 2018 1 RCT Straumann Bone Level implant 43 2 -0,42±0,55 nr Raes et al. 2018 8 Prosp. study Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 18 0 -0,06±0,24 nr Zuiderveld et al. 2018 1 RCT Nobel Replace CC 40 0 -0,02±0,11 -0,11±1,19 Cooper et al.(a) 2019 3 RCT Astra Tech OsseoSpeed 45 0 -0,04±0,17 0,07±0,23 Friberg et al. 2019 1 Prosp. study Nobel Parallel CC 22 2 -0,41±0,36 nr Heydecke et al. 2019 3 Prosp. study Nobel Replace CC 90 0 -0,29±0,17 nr Hosseini et al. 2019 5 Prosp. study Astra Tech EV 33 0 -0,02±0,07 0,07±0,11 Meijndert et al. 2019 5 Prosp. study Straumann Bone Level implant 50 0 -0,03±0,13 nr Zuiderveld et al. 2019 1 Prosp. study Nobel Replace CC 40 0 0,05±0,44 -0,04±0,28 Wittneben et al. 2020 3 RCT Straumann Bone Level implant 39 0 -0,10±0,17 nr 7