Luppo Kuillman

Chapter 4 100 reprehensible conduct in care. In other words, a high level of perceived behavioral control is needed in order to ensure that people will act according to their values. It is therefore essential to foster the sense of behavioral control among healthcare professionals. One way could be to increase their knowledge of or experience with morally delicate circumstances. Exposing students to ethical dilemmas from the early phases of their training (e.g., through frequent fictitious patient encounters) could help their behavioral control to mature as their training progresses. The complexity of the ethical situations addressed during such educational sessions could conceivably be coordinated to correspond to where the students are in their training programs at that moment. As students become more comfortable in coping with ethical dilemmas, they are likely to grow more confident in their ability to prevent harm in care. This could help them to act on their moral values upon encountering reprehensible conduct in their future professional lives.