Luppo Kuillman

Chapter 4 104 Appendix 1: Vignettes 1 and 2 on Reporting Reprehensible Conduct in Care Vignette 1. Nobody needs to know … heart for a heart. Suppose that you are working as a physician assistant at a thoracic surgery ward where heart transplants are performed. Willemijn, a young patient, is very ill. If she does not receive a donor heart soon, she will die. You are very concerned about her. She is so gentle and cheerful, despite her predicament. She is the darling of the entire ward. Eurotransplant notifies the ward that a donor heart is available. According to the waiting list, Mr. Van der Sluis is eligible for it. Both he and Willemijn are a match. Mr. Van der Sluis has been rude to almost everyone on the ward staff. Your colleague Hans, who – unlike you – has access to the data, tells you in confidence that he will use the computer to change the rank order in favor of Willemijn. He is certain that this will remain unnoticed and asks you not to tell anybody. On the line below, please indicate to what degree you are inclined to discuss this switch with a third party. Not at all Certainly |_________________________________________________________________________|