Luppo Kuillman

The predictive values of a Deliberative and a Paternalistic Attitude 115 5 Bandura et al. and indicated that translation and adaptation did not affect the internal consistency of the scale. We employed an algorithm to calculate an overall scale score by subtracting the minimum scale score from the raw scale score, dividing this by the scale score’s range, multiplied by 100, resulting in scores ranging from 0 to 100%. A higher score indicated a higher propensity to morally disengage. Statistical analysis  To test our hypotheses, we did a multiple stepwise regression analysis, and calculated cross-products for the interaction terms, all based on the variables that were transformed towards normality (Templeton & Burney, 2016). In step 1, we included the variables age and gender. For step 2, we added either moral deliberation or paternalism and moral disengagement. For step 3, we added the interaction terms to the model, each linked to the independent variable.  Ethical considerations   According to the statement by the Dutch Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects ( ), no institutional review board approval was warranted for this type of survey which required only voluntary participation of professionals. An information letter sent to all respondents notified them of a) purpose of the study, b) the voluntary nature of participation, and c) their right to stop participating in the study at any time. The respondents were also informed that their answers would be completely anonymous, and the information collected would not be used for any purpose other than the study. Furthermore, the letter mentioned the expected average time needed to complete the questionnaires (45 minutes). This study was performed in accordance with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki (General Assembly of the World Medical Association, 2014). Only the first author (LK) had access to the encrypted data. The “Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology” (STROBE) checklist was followed as a guideline for reporting observational research.