Luppo Kuillman

The predictive values of a Deliberative and a Paternalistic Attitude 117 5 The sociodemographic variables and correlations between them are presented in Table 2.   Table 2: Average scores and correlations across the scales themselves and with sociodemographic parameters Sociodemographics  [1]  [2]  [3]  [4] [5] [6]  [7]  [8] [9]  Age [1] Gender [2] .041   Religion [3] .003  -.039  political orientation [4] .167 * -.032  -.160 * Working environment [5] -.008 -.001 -.033  .148   Independent variables  M (SD)  Moral deliberation [6] 81.4 (10.9)  .066 .020 .020  -.025  .091   Paternalism [7] 52.9 (12.5)  -.231 ** . 198 *  .119  -.113  .005 .027   Moderator  M (SD)  Moral Disengagement [8] 21.0 (8.5)  -.137  .113  -.019 -.005 -.033  -.166 * . 196 * Depdent variables  M (SD) Yielding to Pressure Vignette 1  [9] 21.5 (24.0)  -.036  -.183 * .001 .001 .063  .192 * -.013  .158 * Yielding to Pressure Vignette 2  [10] 47.3 (26.7)  .084  -.024  .045  -.088 -.096  -.271 ** .002 .067  -.072  *=Correlationissignificantatthe0.05level(2-tailed);**=Correlationissignificantatthe0.01level(2-tailed). Multivariable regression analysis  Upfront of all interpretations of the outcomes, we first assessed for multicollinearity, as that might be a potential threat in a cross-sectional data collection method. For