Luppo Kuillman

Summarizing Discussion and Future Research Directions 131 6 appropriate mean inter-item correlation coefficients show adequate homogeneities. Whereas upfront it was expected to possess a modified MSQ as an indicator of the construct of moral sensitivity with the FCM, I now have two separate indicators that might be proxies for indicating morally (in)sensitive attitudes. For this, I conducted a subsequent study to assess the predictive value of both scales. The results of that study are reported in Chapter 5. In Chapter 3, the usefulness of the Dutch version of the Defining Issues Test was determined as an indicator for the construct of moral reasoning/judgment in the FCM (Raaijmakers, Engels, & Van Hoof, 2005). For this, in the performed study, I investigated whether the construct of moral reasoning is a function of the personality meta- trait Stability and the construct of moral disengagement (Kuilman et al., 2019). The personality meta-traits, Stability, and Plasticity are based on the big five personality traits and were introduced as higher-order personality factors (Digman, 1997). In the study reported about in my doctoral thesis in Chapter 3, the meta-trait Stability reflects the extent to which an individual is consistent in motivation and avoids social interactions and disruptions in mood, while Plasticity reflects the extent to which a person actively searches for new and rewarding experiences, or explores and engages flexibly with novelty, both intellectual and social. With the tenability of the hypothesized model, by applying structural equation modelling, it is proven that Stability indeed is a significant predictor and that moral disengagement has a mediating effect on the relationship between Stability and moral reasoning. Plasticity did not exert a direct effect on moral reasoning. In retrospect, an important achievement is that with this study, the personality meta-trait Stability has been introduced in the scholarly field of ethical decision-making research. In Chapter 4, I tested and found that the newly introduced concept of Ethics Advocacy, as a source of moral motivation being the third component in the FCM, explains whether an individual will have the propensity of reporting reprehensible conduct (RRC). Ethics Advocacy entails the extent to which healthcare professionals consider it important for attention to be paid to the ethical aspects of care within their organization and during patient contact. In this study it was found that a high degree of EA only predicts RRC at a time once an individual has a high perceived control (L. Kuilman, Jansen, Mulder, & Roodbol, 2020-b). This was found by including the newly introduced construct of “Behavioral Control targeted at Preventing Harm” (BCPH) as a moderator in the hypothesized model. That is, BCPH strengthens the relationship