Luppo Kuillman

Appendices 162 GLOSSARY AIC: Akaike information criterion BCPH: Behavioral Control targeted at Preventing Harm BFI: BIG Five Inventory CFA: confirmatory factor analysis CFI: comparative fit index CI: confidence interval DIT: Defining Issues Test EA(S): Ethics Advocacy (Scale) EFA: exploratory factor analysis FCM: Four Component Model of Moral Behavior GFI: goodness-of-fit index H[number]: hypothesis LLCI: Lower Limit Confidence Interval MAP: Velicer’s Minimum Average Partial test MD(S): Moral Disengagement (Scale) MD: medical doctor MIIC: mean inter-item correlation coefficient MIM: Moral Identity Measure MSQ: Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire MSQ-DELIB: moral deliberation attitude MSQ-PATER: paternalist attitude MST: moral sensitivity test, predecessor of the moral sensitivity questionnaire NP: nurse practitioner, named as ‘verpleegkundig specialist’ (nursing specialist), PA: physician assistant RMSEA: root mean square error of approximation RRC: Reporting Reprehensible Conduct SDM: shared decision-making SEM: structural equation modelling SRMR: standardized root mean square residual TLI: Tucker- Lewis Index ULCI: Uper Limit Confidence Interval VIF: variance inflation factor