Luppo Kuillman

Recent theses Research Institute SHARE 165 Ferdiana A Quality of life, work, and social participation among individuals with spinal cord injury (prof U Bültmann, prof JJL van der Klink, prof MWM Post) Tuvdenjorj A Economic evaluation of tobacco control in Asia; dynamic population health impact assessment in Mongolia. (prof E Buskens, prof TL Feenstra) Nanninga CS Home & place making after stroke; exploring the gap between rehabilitation and living environment. (prof K Postema, prof LB Meijering, dr AT Lettinga, dr MC Schönherr) 06.01.2021 EXPAND 2020 Wassink-Vossen S Physical activity and functional recovery in late-life depression. (prof RC Oude Voshaar, dr P Naarding, dr R Collard) Hovenkamp-Hermelink A The long-term course of anxiety disorders; an epidemiological perspective. (prof RA Schoevers, dr H Riese, dr B Jeronimus) Moazzen S Nutrients and diet quality in gastrointestinal cancers. (prof GH de Bock, dr BZ Alizadeh) Poonsiri J Exploring cycling and sports in people with a lower limb amputation: prosthetic aspects (prof JHB Geertzen, prof PU Dijkstra, prof R Dekker, dr JM Hijmans)