Luppo Kuillman

Re-assessing the validity of the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire 53 2 DIT Rating scales For each moral dilemma, there were eight statements that needed to be rated on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from “very unimportant” (1) to “very important” (5), which were considered to be indicative of a specific stage in the level of moral reasoning: (a) maintaining norms, (b) self-interest, and (c) post-conventional. DIT N2 Index After rating all the statements for each dilemma, the participant was asked to rank four statements out of eight as “most important,” “second in importance,” “third in importance,” and “fourth in importance.” With this data gathered, the P index could be computed by giving 4 points to issues categorized in the post-conventional stage, which the respondent ranked first. Three points were given to each post-conventional issue ranked second, 2 points to post-conventional issues ranked third, and 1 point to post-conventional issues ranked fourth. The P index is a specific assessment of the proportion of ranked issues that are characteristic of post-conventional reasoning. Because the scores of the P index are proportional, they can range from 0 (indicating simple moral reasoning) to 100 (indicating highly complex moral reasoning). In our study the N2 index was used. The N2 index is the successor of the P index and has a two-part construction. Both indices were calculated according to the guidelines of Rest and colleagues. A higher N2 score represents a higher level of moral reasoning.