Luppo Kuillman

Chapter 4 94 An overview of our main and sociodemographic variables is presented in Table 2, along with the correlations between them. Table 2: Average scores and correlations across the scales themselves and with sociodemographic parameters Sociodemographic parameters (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Age (1) Gender (2) .041 Working Environment (3) .023 -.012 Religion (4) .003 -.039 -.014 Political orientation (5) .167* -.032 .151 -.160* Instruments M (SD) MIIC Ethics Advocacy Scale (EAS) (6) 81.63 (12.1) .196 * -.071 .086 -.045 .081 .37 Behavioral Control targeted at Preventing Harm (BCPH) (7) 77.40 (10.15) .039 .125 -.143 -.006 -.044 .388 ** .40 Reporting Reprehensible Conduct (RRC) Vignette 1 Vignette 2 (8) 62.3 (33.5) 51.6 (24.8) .012 .087 .013 -.007 .024 .174 * .190 * .34 *=Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); ** = Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). MIIC = mean inter-item correlation coefficient. Moderation analysis To assess whether behavioral control targeted at preventing harm (BCPH, variable M ) interacts with the relationship between X and Y , a regression-based moderation analysis was performed. The overall model (see Figure 1) was significant: R 2 =.081, F (3, 151)=4.49, p =.0047.