Luppo Kuillman

Facilitating and motivating factors for reporting reprehensible conduct 95 4 Figure 1: Conceptual model for simple moderation analysis. X = EAS; Y= RRC; M= BCPH. R2 = .081, F (3, 151) = 4,49, p = .0047. The model that was tested did not reveal any main effects, either for EA ( B =481.6, p =.1586) or for BCPH ( B =309.7, p= .3886). It did reveal a significant interaction between EA and BCPH ( B =762.00, t (151)= 2.37, p =.012). As hypothesized, this interaction indicates that EA has a stronger positive effect on the likelihood of RRC when BCPH is high rather than low (See Figure 2). RRC Low BCPH High BCPH Linear (Low BCPH) Linear (High BCPH) Low EA High EA Moderator Figure 2: Plotting of the interaction effects (unstandardized) of BCPH on EA > RRC.