Franny Jongbloed

104 CHAPTER 4 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Figure S1. Effects on food intake, body weight and survival by macronutrient free diets and effects on kidney function upon subsequent renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. (A) Relative to their control food intake during the 7-day acclimatization period, mice consumed (cumulatively during the whole intervention period) 21.7% less of the CHO-free diet, 10.1% of the fat-free diet and 32.7% of the protein-free diet. (B) Body weight of mice fed a CHO-free diet decreased during the 14-day period with 6.7%, while mice on a 14-day fat-free diet showed an increase in body weight with 2.3%. Mice fed a protein-free diet for 10 days lost more than 20% of their body weight on day 10. Because of this substantial loss of body weight, the protein-free diet was limited to a period of 10 days or less in the subsequent ischemia-reperfusion experiments. (C) Mouse mortality rates upon renal ischemia-reperfusion injury after both the CHO- and fat-free diet were significantly higher than their PFed controls (P<0.05). Mice fed a protein-free diet for 10 days showed a 100% survival following renal IRI. (D) Kidney function as determined by serum urea levels on day 1 after induction of renal IRI were significantly worsened in both the CHO-free (P<0.05) and fat- free (P<0.05) groups compared to PFed groups. Mice fed a protein-free diet showed lower serum urea levels one day after induction of IRI compared with CHO-free (P<0.01), the PFed CHO-free (P<0.05), the fat-free (P<0.01) and the PFed fat-free group (P<0.05). ** = P< 0.05 compared to AL CHO-free diet on day 0. ## = P< 0.05 compared to AL fat-free diet on day 0. ^^ = P< 0.05 compared to AL protein-free diet on day 0.