Franny Jongbloed

107 4 A PROTEIN-FREE DIET PROTECTS AGAINST RENAL IRI Figure S4. PCR data of mRNA expression levels of genes related to significantly regulated transcription factors. (A) Foxo1 was significantly higher after all diets except the fat-free diet. (B) Foxo3 showed significant upregulation after all diets except the 2 weeks 30% DR. (C) FOXO4 expression levels were significant higher after 3 days of 30% DR and 3-days of a CHO-free diet. (D) Hnf4α was not significantly regulated after any of the dietary interventions. (E) Srebf1 was downregulated after 3 days of fasting, while (F) Srebf2 was significantly downregulated after both 3 days of fasting and a 3-day protein-free diet. FOXO = forkhead box O; Hnf4α = hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha; Srebf = sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1. * = P< 0.05; ** = P< 0.01.