Franny Jongbloed

125 5 ABSENCE OF PROTEIN AND AMINO ACIDS PROTECT AGAINST HEPATIC IRI A B C Figure 3. Principal component analysis and overlapping probe sets. (A) Unbiased principal component analysis (PCA) after normalization of all genes in the dataset. A distinct clustering of the control group and the methionine-free group is seen, with a clear separation of the groups on the principal component (PC) 2 but not on the PC1. The leucine-group and tryptophan-free have a highly overlapping clustering, with small intergroup variability. Their combined cluster is mainly separated from the control group and the methionine-free group on the PC1. (B) Dendogram based on the unbiased hierarchical clustering of all mice. The control group and methionine-free group have individual branches, but are connected higher up in the dendogram. The leucine-free and tryptophan-free group overlap and are intertwined in the dendogram. (C) . Venn diagram of the differentially expressed probe sets (DEPS) overlapping between the methionine-free, leucine- free and tryptophan-free diets. A total of 137 genes overlapped between all diets. Of all genes in the leucine-free diet, 64% overlapped with the tryptophan-free diet. The methionine-free diet had the highest percentage of unique DEPS, namely 334 out of the 573 (58%).