Franny Jongbloed

164 CHAPTER 6 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Approached at 3 months after surgery (n=87) Inclusions prior to surgery (n=108) Exclusions (n=31): Another trial (n=1) Surgery not approved (n=7) Exclusion criteria (n=24) Exclusions (n=39): No longer in follow-up or No participation Approached at 6 months after surgery (n=48) Inclusions 3 months (n=48) Informed (n=132) Assessed for eligibility (n=163) No participation (n=24) Exclusions (n=38): No longer in follow-up or No participation Approached at 12 months after surgery (n=20) Inclusions 6 months (n=10) Exclusions (n=9) No longer in follow-up or No participation Inclusions 12 months (n=11) Figure S1. Flowchart showing patient inclusion and exclusion criteria. Exclusion criteria were based on the preset exclusion criteria, mainly based on the criteria for the presence of metabolic syndrome as set by the National Cholesterol Education Program ATPIII Guidelines. Eligible patients set for undergoing bariatric surgery were approached at the outpatient clinic at the Maasstad Hospital, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.