Franny Jongbloed

191 7 FEASIBILITY AND SAFETY OF A PREOPERATIVE DIET (B) MORBIDLY OBESE PATIENTS Restricted diet (n=18) Randomization (n=38) DER-diet (n=10) Control (n=10) Stopped at day 1 (n=1) Completed (n=12) Completed (n=9) Completed (n=7) Stopped at day 2 (n=1) Stopped at day 3 (n=3) Did not fulfill diary (n=3) Stopped at day 4 (n=1) Stopped at day 5 (n=1) Figure S1. Flowchart of the randomization and follow-up of the inclusions. (A) Thirty kidney donors were equally randomized into each of the three intervention groups. Eight out of 10 kidney donors completed the diet; 1 stopped at day 1 and 1 at day 3. The DER-diet was completed by 4 donors; 3 stopped at day 1, 1 at day 2 and 2 at day 3. One donor did not complete the diet diary. (B) Twelve out of 18 morbidly obese patients completed the diet; 1 stopped at day 1, 3 at day 3, 1 at day 4 and 1 at day 5. Nine out of 10 completed the DER-diet, with only one patient who stopped at day 2. Three out of 10 patients did not complete the diet diary. DER = daily energy requirements.