Franny Jongbloed

193 7 FEASIBILITY AND SAFETY OF A PREOPERATIVE DIET LIVING KIDNEY DONORS MORBIDLY OBESE PATIENTS Informed (n=90) Total inclusions (n=68) Preliminary inclusions (n=45) Inclusions (n=30) Assessed for eligibility (n=124) Informed (n=84) Preliminary inclusions (n=54) Inclusions (n=38) Assesses for eligibility (n=143) Exclusions (n=53): Another trial (n=11) Age restriction (n=15) Cross-over (n=5) Other (n=22) No participation (n=45) Dropout (n=15): Surgery cancelled / postponed (n=8) Withdrew IC (n=7) Exclusions (n=40): Another trial (n=17) DM II (n=15) BMI < 40 (n=3) Other (n=5) No participation (n=30) Dropout (n=16): Surgery cancelled / forwarded (n=6) Withdrew IC (n=10) Figure S3. Flowchart showing patient inclusions and exclusions. Exclusions were based on preset exclusion criteria. Eligible kidney donors were approached at the outpatient clinic at the Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, and eligible morbidly obese patients were approached at the Maasstad Hospital, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Additional morbidly obese patients were included after many were withdrawn due to logistical reasons. BMI = body mass index. Cross-over = cross-over program at which the surgery takes place outside of the Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam. DM II = diabetes mellitus type II. IC = informed consent.