Franny Jongbloed

208 CHAPTER 8 Table 2B. Random intercept mixed-effects differences, standard errors (Std. Error) and P- value for kidney function outcome of the kidney transplant recipients Time point Parameter Creatinine (µmol/L) CKD-EPI eGFR (mL/min) Absolute values Difference Std. Error P -value Difference Std. Error P -value POD-pre - 23,43 85,23 0.784 - 1,15 5,969 0.848 POD1 - 161,60 85,23 0.062 + 1,10 5,969 0.854 POD2 - 188,02 85,23 0.031 + 2,37 5,969 0.693 POD3 - 199,73 85,23 0.022 + 6,50 5,969 0.280 POD4 - 202,02 85,23 0.021 + 8,82 5,969 0.144 POD5 - 185,74 85,60 0.033 + 11,28 5,969 0.063 POD6 - 140,75 85,23 0.103 + 7,46 5,995 0.218 POD7 - 142,53 85,62 0.100 + 5,98 5,996 0.322 POD14 - 84,16 86,04 0.331 + 7,94 6,027 0.192 POD21 - 52,44 86,50 0.546 + 3,46 6,027 0.568 POMo1 - 59,44 86,50 0.494 + 8,44 6,027 0.166 POMo2 - 50,75 86,50 0.559 + 7,16 6,027 0.239 POMo3 - 50,74 86,50 0.559 + 5,05 6,027 0.405 POMo6 - 53,36 86,04 0.537 + 2,85 6,027 0.638 Relative values Difference Std. Error P -value Difference Std. Error P -value POD1 - 21,82 10,46 0.040 + 29,25 121,47 0.810 POD2 - 28,63 10,46 0.007 + 43,05 121,47 0.724 POD3 - 28,82 10,46 0.007 + 89,63 121,47 0.463 POD4 - 28,47 10,46 0.008 + 123,00 121,47 0.315 POD5 - 21,33 10,46 0.044 + 166,78 121,47 0.174 POD6 - 15,90 10,46 0.132 + 180,70 121,47 0.141 POD7 - 16,71 10,52 0.116 + 119,54 122,05 0.331 POD14 - 12,13 10,59 0.255 + 107,60 122,67 0.383 POD21 - 8,50 10,67 0.428 + 19,12 122,67 0.877 POMo1 - 9,94 10,67 0.354 + 82,78 122,67 0.502 POMo2 - 9,52 10,67 0.374 + 7,67 122,67 0.950 POMo3 - 9,20 10,67 0.391 - 23,77 122,67 0.847 POMo6 - 6,10 10,67 0.569 - 55,09 122,67 0.655 CCPR= Combined Calorie and Protein Restriction; CKD-EPI eGFR = Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate. Differences are based on the outcomes of the CCPR group versus the control group. Relative values are set with POD-pre as baseline value, and therefore this time point was not included in the analysis of the relative differences. Significant P- values are depicted in bold.