Franny Jongbloed

224 CHAPTER 8 SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Informed (n=113) Preliminary inclusions (n=53) Inclusions (n=35) Assessed for eligibility (n=132) Exclusions (n=19): Another trial (n=1) Age restriction (n=4) Cross-over (n=2) Not yet KT needed (n=4) Surgery-related (n=6) Language difficulty (n=1) Allergies ingredients diet (n=1) No participation (n=60): Surgery related (n=8) Cross-over (n=5) No informed consent (n=47) Dropout (n=18): Surgery cancelled / postponed (n=6) Withdrew informed consent (n=12) CCPR diet (n=15) Control group (n=20) Figure S1. Flowchart of the inclusions and exclusions of the living kidney donors. Exclusions were based on preset exclusion criteria. Eligible kidney donors were approached at the outpatient clinic at the ErasmusMC, UniversityMedical Center Rotterdam, the Netherlands. After information about the study was given, 57% of eligible donors refrained from participating in the study. Cross- over = cross-over program at which the surgery takes place outside of the Erasmus MC. KT = kidney transplantation. CCPR = combined calorie and protein restriction.