Franny Jongbloed

234 CHAPTER 8 Table S4. Composition and energy content of the combined calorie and restricted (CCPR) diet Diet Average content per 100 gram/mL CCPR diet Energy (kcal) 507 (kJ) 2120 Protein (g) 4.98 Protein (% of energy intake) 4.0 Casein (g) 4.3 Whey protein (g) 0.4 Carbohydrates (g) 67.0 Carbohydrates (% of energy intake) 53.0 Glucose (g) 0.8 Fructose (g) 0.0 Lactose (g) 3.2 Maltose (g) 2.5 Sucrose (g) 14.0 Polysaccharides (g) 46.3 Other (g) 0.2 Fat (g) 24.5 Fat (% of energy intake) 43 Saturated fat (g) 7.7 Monounsaturated fat (g) 7.3 Polyunsaturated fat (g) 9.4 Linoleic acid (g) 8.1 Α-linoleic acid (g) 0.9 Fibres 0.0 Sodium (mg) 128 Potassium (mg) 272 Chloride (mg) 163 Calcium (mg) 85 Phosphor (mg) 147 Magnesium (mg) 30