Franny Jongbloed

39 2 FASTING PROTECTS AGED-OVERWEIGHT MICE via the Robust Multichip Average (RMA) algorithm. Normalization output consisted of data for 45,141 probe sets, with several probe sets corresponding to the same Entrez Gene ID. Complete raw and normalized microarray data and their MIAME compliant metadata have been deposited at GEO ( ) under accession number GSE52982. Gene expression data were compared using ANOVA with correction for multiple testing using the false discovery rate (FDR) according to Benjamini and Hochberg 35 . Fold changes are expressed as the geometric mean per fasted group against the corresponding ad libitum group. Cutoff values for a significant difference were put at FDR < 5%. Functional annotation and overrepresentation analyses were performed with Ingenuity software (http://www. . For comparison analysis with young male mice, the same procedure was performed in kidney tissue of male C57BL/6J mice (fasted n=4, ad libitum fed n=5). For the analyses done in the genes overlapping between aged-overweight and young-lean male mice, the mean fold ratios and geometric mean p- values of both groups were used. No female mice were available for the microarray analysis in young and aged mice.