Franny Jongbloed

62 CHAPTER 3 (A) (B) (C) (D) AL Vehicle AL irinotecan Fasting irinotecan 610 TUMOR Fasting Vehicle 3093 Figure 3. (A) Unbiased principal component analyses (PCA) of tumor samples, based on all probe sets in the microarray. Principal component (PC) 1 is depicted on the x-axis and PC2 is depicted on the y-axis, including the percentage of variance explained by each PC. Each symbol represents one sample of one mouse. Samples of the same group are shown in the same color. AL = ad libitum. (B) Number of significantly differentially expressed probe sets (DEPS) in the tumor in AL and fasted groups. (C) Venn diagram of overlapping DEPS between the DEPS after the AL tumor groups and the fasting tumor groups, including the unique DEPS of both comparisons. (D) Scatterplot of the number of DEPS found in the tumor with false discovery rate of 5%. On the x-axis are the fold changes found in the comparison of AL vehicle vs. AL irinotecan, on the y-axis the fold changes of fasting vehicle vs. fasting irinotecan. Red symbols = AL groups; green symbols = fasting groups; black symbols = overlapping DEPS.