
4 SAFETY BEHAVIOR INCREASES OBSESSION-RELATED COGNITIONS 101 both clinical (Foa et al, 2002) and non-clinical populations (Hajack, Huppert, Simons, & Foa, 2004). Internal consistency was very good (α = .83). Beck anxiety inventory (BAI) The BAI (Beck, Epstein, Brown, & Steer, 1988) was used to measure effects of the manipulation on general anxiety. It assesses to which extent participants experienced 21 common anxiety symptoms during the past week, rated on 4-point Likert scales (e.g., “heart pounding” or “unsteady”, 0 = not at all, 3 = very much). It showed excellent internal consistency at both time points, (α’s = .83 and .88). Checklist The Checklist was developed as a manipulation check and to inspect pre-test differences in checking behavior. The Checklist contains six categories of situations in which people may perform checking behavior, and each category contains several items that could be checked when participants were in that situation (e.g. “checking if the door was locked”, or “checking if your laptop was unplugged”). The categories were “Before leaving the house”, “Before going to bed”, “When being/having been away”, “After being in the kitchen”, “After using the bathroom/cosmetic appliances”, and “Other situations”. Respondents noted whether or not they had performed each of the 59 checking behaviors that day by indicating “yes” or “no”. A third option, “not applicable (N/A)” was provided in case participants did not have the opportunity that day to perform that particular checking behavior (e.g., if the participant never used a hairdryer). The percentage of “yes” responses of the total number of items that could have been checked (sum of “yes” and “no” responses) was calculated. Test-retest reliability was very good ( r = .85; calculated using the pre- and post-test of the control group). Procedure Participants were tested individually in a soundproof laboratory room during both sessions. During the first session, participants gave written informed consent after receiving verbal and written instructions about the study. Participants received a