
CHAPTER 6 154 that spider fearful participants inferred safety from approach behavior in objectively dangerous or safe general scenarios. Spider scenarios Participants with a high fear of spiders, compared to participants with low spider fear, rated spider scenarios with approach behavior as safer than scenarios without approach behavior, BF 2,1 = 3.77, see Figure 1. Comparison of the explorative models showed support for model 4, BF 4,3 = 2.54 and BF 4,5 = 5.45, which means that the Group x Behavior type interaction effect was similar for objectively dangerous and safe scenarios. Figure 1. Mean danger ratings for general (left panel) and spider (right panel) scenarios with objective danger and objective safety information, and in which the protagonist showed approach behavior or no approach behavior for participants with low (fear-) and high (fear+) fear of spiders. danger/ fear- safety/ fear- danger/ fear+ safety/ fear+ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Approach No approach Danger ratings (0-100) General scenarios danger/ fear- safety/ fear- danger/ fear+ safety/ fear+ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Approach No approach Danger ratings (0-100) Spider scenarios