
CHAPTER 3 86 E+RP condition. CFDD increased in the E+SB condition at the final trial, when wipes were no longer used, which resulted in similar CFDD ratings at the post-test for the E+RP and E+SB condition. CFDD ratings after wiping or after the 30s delay were measured, but not reported in previous studies (Rachman et al., 2011; van den Hout et al., 2011, 2012). We revisited the data obtained by van den Hout et al. (2011), and found highly similar results: CFDD ratings showed a distinct saw tooth pattern in the E+SB condition, which was less pronounced in the E+RP condition. 2 This suggests that cleaning SB is indeed restorative, and that restorative SB does not necessarily prevent an over-trial reduction in emotional responses, which is in line with the findings by Goetz and Lee (2015). To conclude, the use of cleaning SB during exposure to a contaminant did not prevent a reduction in CFDD and threat beliefs. Wiping after each instance of exposure resulted in an immediate decrease in CFDD, and subsequent return of CFDD at the next exposure trial. Remarkably, the within-trial return of CFDD did not prevent an over-trial reduction in emotional responses. Future research with a clinical sample, and looking into the long-term effects of using cleaning SB during exposure to a contaminant on threat beliefs is needed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Prof. dr. Jack Rachman for his help with the interpretation of the results. 2 More information is available on request from the first author.