Noura Dawass

6 124 S OLUBILITY OF G ASES IN M ONOETHYLENE G LYCOL Figure 6.3: Absorption isothermof CO 2 inMEG at various temperatures. Details of MC simulations are provided in section 6.2. and co-workers [224] . The inherent uncertainties of the total pressure are lim- ited by the sensitivity of the pressure transducer used for these measurements, which is ± 0.015 bar. Conversely, this means that the uncertainty of the esti- mated CO 2 partial pressures is ± 0.021 bar due to error propagation. One can see in Figur e 6.3 that those are very small uncertainties when considering the span of pressures measured in the series of experiments. In the Supporting Information of Ref. [171] , solubility data from experiments and MC simulations are provided in a tabulated from along with their uncertainties. In Figure 6.4, solubilities measured in this work at T = 373.15 K are compared to solubilities from other experimental studies. The measurements in this work were found to match the data from Jou et al. [186] at low pressures. At higher pressures, CO 2 solubility from other experimental works slightly differ from re- sults of this work. Figure 6.4 also shows that loadings computed using MC simu- lations agree the most with our experimental results. Besides absorption isotherms, it is also possible to describe solubility of gases in solvents through Henry coefficients. The Henry coefficient of solute 2 in sol- vent 1 is defined as [226] : H 21 = lim x 2 → 0 P 2 x 2 = lim x 2 → 0 f 2 x 2 (6.4)