Noura Dawass

4.3. R ESULTS 4 89 (a) (b) Figure 4.14: (a) Surface term in the thermodynamic limit F ∞ as a function of the size of the system for the WCA fluid at ρ = 0.6, and the LJ fluid at ρ = 0.4. Both fluids are simulated at T = 2 (dimen- sionless units). (b) F ∞ as a function of dimensionless density ρ of LJ and WCA systems at T = 2. For all densities, the same number of particles is used, N = 10000. At the limit ρ → 0, the analytic answer is computed using g ( r ) = exp[ − β u ( r )], where u ( r ) is the pair potential [26] .