Teun Remmers

8 | Chapter 1 Table 1: Overview of the studies presented in this thesis Chapter Study Sample Study Design Main Exposure Main Outcome First aim: investigating associations between PA and BMI development in children 2 KOALA Longitudinal Objective daily PA BMI Second aim: investigating children's individual-level determinants of PA using complex conceptual models 3 KOALA Cross-sectional Self-reported PA enjoyment Objective daily PA Third aim: investigating associations between the perceived environment and outside play in children 4 Be Active Eat Right Longitudinal Parent-perceived environment Parent-reported outside play 5 KOALA Longitudinal Parent-perceived environment Parent-reported outside play Fourth aim: investigating the influence of the objective environment on children's PA patterns 6 PHASE Australia Longitudinal Objective weather elements Objective daily PA 7 Active Living Cross-sectional Objective built environment Objective afterschool PA 8 PHASE-kids Cross-sectional Objective built environment Objective afterschool LTPA and AT 9 PHASE-kids Longitudinal Transition to secondary school Objective PA patterns BMI = Body Mass Index. LTPA = Leisure Time Physical Activity. AT = Active Transport