Teun Remmers

160 | Chapter 9 Context-specific PA patterns in Primary and Secondary School The vast majority of time spent in primary and secondary school was at the residence, except during school time (Table 2). During school hours, one can still observe time spent at the residence, in active transport and at other locations (e.g. at friend's homes or at parks). Besides potential irregularities in school schedules, these minutes may reflect afternoon breaks or structured physical education classes, in which children are allowed off the school parcel. Likewise, some time was spent at school grounds during the afterschool time-segment, which may reflect schoolyard activity or some extra-curricular activities (Table 2). Especially after school and in weekends, children also spent time at other locations. This may reflect activities such as visiting friends, or playing at neighbourhood playgrounds. In general, at primary school, the majority of MVPA minutes during weekdays was spent at sports grounds. In weekends this was still the case, but now active transport and activities performed at other locations (e.g. at friend's homes or at parks) also contributed to total MVPA (Table 2). When comparing median minutes of LPA and MVPA at secondary- versus primary school, the following was observed: first, children increased their LPA in active transport especially before and during school hours. Second, during school hours, children spent fewer minutes of LPA at school grounds, but more LPA at other locations. Thirdly, time at sports grounds (especially LPA minutes) tend to decline, both after school and in weekends. Fourth, LPA minutes spent after school at other locations declined. Finally, in weekends, minutes of LPA and MVPA at the residence and at other locations also tended to decline, while sedentary time at the residence increased. We generally found that MVPA was higher for boys than girls in various contexts. For example, in primary school, boys performed significantly more MVPA at school grounds before school, during school, and after school. In addition, in primary and secondary school, boys spent significantly more time in MVPA at other locations after school (Table 2).