Teun Remmers

190 | Chapter 10 considered marginal (22, 23, 111, 117, 118), and dependent on higher-order conditions (119). Health promotors are recommended to target specific PA contexts from multiple contexts (e.g. school and home environment), and collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure local support (e.g. schools, parents, local community). However, as evidence on the potential positive influence of greenspace environments, cycling paths and pedestrian paths is emerging, health promotion researchers are advised to implement small-scale natural experiments in collaboration with local stakeholders, and evaluate the influence of such environmental attributes on children's PA and well-being.  In the transition from primary to secondary school, notable declines in PA are being reported (chapter 9) (12, 41, 45, 120, 121). Future studies are encouraged to investigate PA patterns in this transition, and as considerable changes occur in both the school environment and social environment, future interventions are recommended to target both environments. Recommendations for future research This thesis recommends the following for researchers and future study designs:  Researchers are encouraged to continue their efforts into investigating environmental determinants of PA. As the perceived and objective environment are considered to be conceptually different, these can be complementary in PA research (34). Of special interest is the influence of greenspace areas and street connectivity for bicycling and walking. Future studies should increase the evidence-base regarding these attributes of the environment into longitudinal designs, possibly involving natural experiments or transcultural comparisons.  Future studies should continue to unravel complex longitudinal relationships between PA and potential long term health benefits such as body composition and bone strength (122). Studies are also encouraged to investigate potential shorter-term benefits of regular PA on cognitive, emotional, and social well-being of children.  Results from this thesis showed that the influence of environmental determinants on PA depend on the context. Future studies may replicate the analyses presented in this thesis; for example by investigating higher-order moderators of environmental determinants of afterschool PA, or active transport to school. Furthermore, researchers are recommended to account for the location and time-segment in which environmental determinants influence PA. This thesis also showed that adjusting for meteorological elements is essential in understanding day-to-day PA patterns in children. Finally, additional studies are warranted that investigate the PA patterns in important transitional phases of childhood development (e.g. adiposity rebound, pre-school to elementary school, or childhood to adolescence).  In contrast to focusing on more specific contexts within PA behavior, future studies may also focus on PA in the larger context of sleep and sedentary behaviors (66). When using validated leg-worn accelerometers (123), so-called